Does The Best Constitution In The World Serve The Interests Of Its Citizens?
The Constitution of The Republic of South Africa has been hailed as the best Constitution in the world but some might argue that in our pursuit of being the model country in terms of human rights protection and promotion, this is oftentimes to the detriment of our citizens. I am the 'some', by the way. The Constitution Court recently handed down a judgment which, in layman terms, looked at the relationship between minors and the usage of dagga. The first (informal) reporting of this judgment was a bit misleading, I think I first came across on the ConCourt's Twitter page and in their defense, there isn't much sensible reporting that can be worded properly in 280 characters. The impression given by the initial tweet was that the Court was dealing with the legalization of the usage of marijuana amongst minors and that, dear reader, was not at all what the Cenre for Child Law was arguing before court. The court was more concerned about the repercussions of the use and/or ...