Should Africa Look To Negotiating With Terrorists To Achieve Its Vision Of A Conflict Free Continent?

Although instability and in extreme cases, coups d’etat are not a foreign nor new concept in Africa, the continent has collectively put very little effective actionable solutions in place to prevent and resolve these forces majeures, what happens then when governments have their powers threatened by armed militias? (Photo credit to Deutsche Welle) “We do not negotiate with terrorists” These are words that have dominated the United States of America’s Foreign Policy Making since the 1970s under the leadership of President Richard Nixon and have further been intensified in the International Relations arena since the 9/11 attacks but how effective is this approach for African countries? Our point of departure should be an emphasis on how we need to adopt and implement African solutions to African problems, it cannot be stressed enough just how important this principle is. This approach of resorting to force at the slightest inconvenience was first adopted by the United States o...